Ms. Dita Von Teese, the poster girl of this here journal.
On any given weekday during the summer, i could be found not rummaging through the tall reeds and pussy willows of the creek that ran behind my house, but instead stationed on a stool at the liquor store my grandmother managed for over 40 years. The things that seared themselves into my memory were the constants of this kind, senior matriarch perpetually behooved in heels and the tabloid-sized illustrations of 50's pin-up girls hung all over her back office as well as adorning her boudoir. I spent many a glossamer-veiled afternoon quietly watching the intricate and ornate rituals she undertook to achieve her own ressemblance to those sex idols matting her walls. It would only be once i was an adult, and making demands that my intimate partners prepare themselves similarly that i would realize the sizzling affection i had for the pin-ups.We want to look, but we don't want to stare at gorgeous girls. That would be rude. Whereas, these girls didn't mind. In fact, they invited the stare, which for me made it much more safe, an open venue for me to gawk and gaze. I didn't need to pretend that i was or wasn't interested. My attraction could be met face-on as i studied the humorous and playful poses these girls accomplished, who in turn didn't seem turned off by the idea that someone was leering at them or turning them into a sexual object. I didn't seriously expect that any female would allow me to demand the look and feel to their appearance. I was as surprised as many of you may be that i live that reality. Yet, i can't quite put into words what it is like to create your very own, breathing, thriving pin-up, and i do know not a day passes without me blessing and praising the powers above that allow me this exquisite fantasy.
Now, let's begin.
The best place to start are to look at two of the masters at the art of pin-ups for inspiration. Mr. Gil Elvgren is one of the most famous of all pin-up illustrators and you can quickly see why. His drawings are candid, they catch their subject in a moment of surprise. But they are also flattering. They charm the girl by framing her in soft and inviting light. I've included a clever site that delves deeper into Gil's pinups and and his infatuation with celery.
Another one of my favorites is Alberto Vargas. His calendar currently hangs in my kitchen (right over the garbage can, just like my grandma used to do). His has a refinement that contrasts slightly with Gil's. His girls are almost more universal, more elegiac, and less personable. But this adds an element of class that holds these ladies on a very high and well-deserved pedestal.
Now, those of you who are looking to attain the look of a classic pin-up, i've listed a few places where you can begin to amass your wardrobe. And for those who've decided to keep reading (when instead of the nasty threesomes you'd hoped to find, you stumbled upon this thesis), i encourage you to also peruse the list. You may experience some inspiration to persuade your favorite gal to slide on some silk stockings. I assure you she'll thank you for them.
Daddy O's
One of my favorite online clothing stores. I could easily waste my bi-weekly payroll on over 40 or more of these frocks. Their cut, their lines, their skirts, the details, the shape. These dresses exude class and femininity. A girl can truly not go wrong to have at least one of these hanging in her cabana.
Agent (pronounced: Ah-jahnt)
If you have the opportunity to ever walk into one of Agent Provocateurs boutiques, the wave of scent that washes over you alone gives you a sensation of developing a crush. Everything they do at AP is about femininity. You will not see anything made of cotton here. No. Females deserve to have the finest silks and laces pressed against their skin, cradling their tushes, holding their soft tits. This is a store that believes lingerie shouldn't be just for honeymoons and anniversaries. Their stockings are durable and they come in all kinds of colors and differing constrast seams. Plus, they have a very naughty side. I adore their black silk blindfold that reads "Treat me like the whore i am" in pink cursive across the front of it
Secrets in Lace
SiL is another wonderful lingerie store. I can't emphasize enough the importance of a good pin-up girl's foundation undergarments. Countless times i've seen the change that occurs in a girl wearing a garter belt, seamed silk stockings and a pair of heels. They walk with express intent and focus. It's like they're armored. SiL carries an exclusive line of stockings designed and worn by Ms. Dita. My girl says that Secrets' stockings offer the most comfortable and divine feeling, but they do not last as long as AP's.
What Katie Did
I offer you one last site on lingerie just to demonstrate the plethora of options that exist. Katie offers vintage stockings, for those who are going for an authentic look, style and feel. Wonderful garments can be found here.
Besame Cosmetics
If you're beginning to think i'm a little overly obsessed with the way a girl looks, you're finally catching on. Besame isn't for everyone, but it is for the girl who wants to truly take on the overall appearance of a pin-up. They understand the appeal of classic beauty and provide numerous, charming options.
Staylace Updates and Pinups are well worth a look
I would be errant in my list if i didn't offer the mother of all corset sites. The Long Island Staylace Association (LISA) was my first jaw-dropping exposure to the array of corset-related media. In addition to providing you with images of females draped in corsets (and swear that they update daily), they also provide a tremendous resource list for corsetiers. I am a firm believer in the transformative and beneficial effect a well-made tightlacing device can have on a girl's attitude.
Whether you merely peek at a few of these links, or you seriously consider indulging in a purchase here or there, you have to admit that the pin-up girl has her allure and her flair. In one refined image, they capture the sighs, the throbs, the tugs and the thrills i've experienced when i've seen a pretty girl.
But, don't let me be the final thought on this. Go to the gal i see as the authority on the subject, Ms Kitty du Vert.
What lovely links. I've just spent a better part of the hour looking through them. Besides DaddyO's (which I've already ogled many times before), AP is my favourite. If only i wasn't a broke student. think of all of the possibilities...
This is certainly a subject you seem well versed in. I happen to love pin-ups too, as I am rather fond of corsets.
Oh no Deity, this doll doesn't like silk stockings, they wrinkle and when they get holes the thought of all those dollars going west makes her cry.
hmm tempted by those dresses! i think i need to try some of these instructions this is my attempt so far http://thisgirl.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/vintage.jpg lol :) i got the underwear maybe getting the dress would be a good move. xx
you are *such* a romantic, mr. deity. if anyone doubts it, the fact that you would spend every last dime of your paycheck on dresses for your girl is heart-melting proof.
once again, your adoration for girls (and your girl in particular) comes shining through. it's a lovely, lovely post (and a whole bunch of lovely links, too).
That is a gorgeous photo of Ms. Von Teese. Pin-up girls have always captured my imagination.
You also brought to mind my own grandmother's preparations at her vanity mirror and the scent of french perfumes. How those early memories stay with us.
AP is a wonderful link. I've seen their site before, too. I am very pleased to see how it is really on the border between supplying the needs of fetishists like us and yet is still comfortably vanilla. If it sounds French, it's got special allure, right?
save up, my dear. that's all i can say. they're well worth it. such high quality.
the same goes for a corset.
welcome to my comments! i have been studying it for years. i feel it's my duty to spread the info i've gathered.
to prevent wrinkles, a doll must have a garter belt with more than 4 garters. i recommend one with 8, or even 12. keeps them rigidly in place.
lovely photo. i wish i could make out the writing on the flogger. the bullet brassiere is beautiful.
i'm glad you see it as romantic. sometimes, i see it as this side of possibly unhealthy obsession.
i didn't have to look far to find a fetching photo of Dita. she is truly divine.
have you had the pleasure of visiting one of their stores in person? they blur that line even further, especially with the outfits the shopgirls are "made" to wear.
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